Che bello, a volte, il rumore

In questi giorni di isolamento mi è capitato spesso di ascoltare i rumori. 'Quali rumori hanno in comune le mie due città?' ho pensato. La lavatrice che centrifuga? Sì. Decisamente sì. Ho chiuso gli occhi e ho sentito il profumo dei detersivi che usa mia madre, persino di quelli ecologici che profumano meno e un... Continue Reading →

Things I would have never done if it wasn’t for the quarantine.

Things I would have never done on a Sunday: Baking (awful) cookies. Cooking the whole afternoon listening to the Beatles. Staring at the windows for twenty minutes thinking about things I don't remember. Cleaning the balcony while raining. Smelling the basil for 5 minutes. Sleeping until eleven am without feeling guilty. Drinking a cocktail made... Continue Reading →

March, April, May, ?, 2020

Monday: wake up, cry, run 3 miles, computer, cook, eat, computer, clap, cook, eat, series, sleep. Tuesday: wake up, sex, computer, cook, eat, computer, 30 min workout, clap, cook, eat, series, sleep. Wednesday: wake up, run 3 miles, computer, cook, eat, computer, clap, cook, eat, series, sleep. Thursday: Oh my goodness tomorrow is already Friday.... Continue Reading →

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